Ok so first off this app is great for 2$. I was skeptical because of the negative and mediocre reviews that are here and I must say that its a fantastic starting point. We have to acknowledge that when you play simulation games that there is no "magical" tune to make any car work the way you want it. If the calculations of the tunes this app produces dont work the way youd expect, then it could be that its not the tune thats causing you an issue, but perhaps your driving. If you play games like forza and expect some "magical" tune to be made that makes your car drive like a need for speed game, then perhaps thats the type of game you should be playing. This app is perfect to get a base tune for most cars "S" class and below. I high five the developers for making this and keeping it clean and simple. Remember kids, there no magic in racing! Everyone drives different. Use this app as a staring point.
Darthmexican about ForzaTune 4